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Traditional Chinese lanterns light up the night to welcome the forthcoming Spring Festival and Lantern Festival in ancient Shandong town. The Lanter航天新征程|往返天地间北京天安门下半旗悼念江泽民同志逝世寒潮下,抗疫工作者逆风而行中国传统制茶技艺及其相关习俗申遗成功动画|核酸检测如何避免交叉感染两个航天员乘组首次

BEIJING, March 6 (Xinhua) -- The Lantern Festival, which fell on Thursday, saw Beijing's residents flock to the street to watch and set off fireworksThe Lantern Festival (or Yuan Xiao Festival in Chinese) is an important traditional Chinese festival, which is on the 15th of the first lunar month, marking

Citizens shop for flower-shaped lanterns in Nanjing, East China's Jiangsu Province February 4, 2006. The Chinese, in celebrations of the Spring Festival, have a traditio2022年12月21日星期三农历Search Xi Focus: Xi addresses opening ceremony of high-level segment of COP15 part 2 European stocks drop as ECB hikes rates Wintering migrant birds arrive a

≥0≤ 22, 2011 shows lantern lighted up on Tian'anmen Square to celebrate the upcoming National Day on Oct. 1st, in Beijing, capital of China. (Xinhua/Li 江苏一网吧为吸引学生上网安装翻墙软件被查处扬子晚报网12月8日讯(通讯员曾耿记者朱鼎兆)嫌生意清淡,淮安盱眙的一家网吧老板打起了周边学校学生的注意,为

点亮蓝灯点亮希望打印E-mail China.cn 2019-04-09 调整字号大小:分享到:RelatedSend your storiesGet more from China.cnMobileRSSNewsletterChinese lantern festival held in Manila 第11届“菲中传统文化节”在马尼拉举行Sino-Philippine cultural festival opens in Manila 中国“青海文化周”在菲律宾首都拉开

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